Can You Use Apple Pay on Amazon?


Apple Pay has become a convenient and secure way to make payments using your iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch. With its widespread popularity, many users wonder if they can use Apple Pay to make purchases on Amazon.

The Short Answer

The short answer is no, you cannot use Apple Pay directly on Amazon. Amazon has its own payment system called Amazon Pay, which is similar to Apple Pay and other third-party digital wallets.

How Does Amazon Pay Work?

Amazon Pay allows you to use your Amazon account to make payments on participating websites and apps. It securely stores your payment and shipping information, making shopping more convenient and streamlined.

Using Amazon Pay on Amazon

While you can’t use Apple Pay specifically on Amazon, you can use Amazon Pay on the Amazon website and app. During checkout, simply select Amazon Pay as your payment method, and you’ll be redirected to sign in with your Amazon credentials.

Alternative Payment Methods for Amazon

If you prefer using Apple Pay, but still want to make purchases on Amazon, there are a few alternatives:

  • Use a credit or debit card linked to your Amazon account
  • Top up your Amazon balance using Apple Pay and then use the balance to make purchases
  • Link your Apple Pay card to a third-party payment service that is accepted on Amazon


While you can’t directly use Apple Pay on Amazon, you have the option to use Amazon Pay or try alternative payment methods. Whether you choose to link your credit card, top up your Amazon balance, or utilize a third-party payment service, Amazon offers various ways to make secure and convenient payments for your purchases.

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